Ayiiia Elizarraras
Ayiiia won the contest on realworldcasting.com. She won this prize due to her loyal and supportive group of friends who fought hard for her in order to win. Ayiiia has Mexican ancestry and is fluently bilingual in Spanish However, this is her first trip to Mexico for a prolonged period. Ayiia isn't afraid to voice her opinions. She's a little humorous, and this can cause a lot of trouble for her fellow roommates. She soon discovers that the Real World home is much tougher than she anticipated. Ayiiia was an addict to drugs and a party girl. Ayiiia is not willing to forgive anyone, even though she claims to be in love with her and not be judgmental. Ayiiia has a long-term to one woman. She was living with her mom and her mom in San Diego, and looking for a home before the reunion. At the reunion, it was discovered that she and Jonna were not a good match because of their disagreements during filming.
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